Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that everyone is having a great Holiday and that everyone is well and home for Christmas this year. I will be "out of touch" until after the first of the new year, just want to take a little time to relax and spend some time with family and also going to see Kentucky Wildcats (Football) play at Adelphia in Nashville on the 29th. Go Cats... Just wanted to wish everyone a great Holiday and that I am truly grateful and thankful to be a part of the life of each one of you who have trusted me to capture your memories this past year and even those from past years as well. Thanks so much!!! I am very excited to see what 2007 will bring. We have a lot of changes coming, but I think they are going to be great. Stick around to see what 's happening in 2007 and as always God bless! Take care and see ya real soon!


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