Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Seniors, Families, and Deadlines... OH MY!

Wow... we are booking up fast for Fall. I still have a few dates open for seniors but it is coming down to the wire now. If you haven't booked your senior photo session give us a call. I am still available for sessions here in Louisville but as for Butler County, they are filling up fast. I will not be accepting any more seniors in Butler County after the 28th of October. I will continue with seniors in the L'ville area until it gets too cold to be outside... Probably Mid November. Also remember that it is a 4 to 6 week process in getting final prints back so if you have already gotten some of your senior proofing or all of your proofing and are considering Christmas presents from your senior portraits they must be turned in no later that Halloween Day- October 31. Any order submitted past that date cannot be guaranteed by Christmas. This also applies to all PORTRAIT sessions taken for this year, not just senior portraits. Also remember that weddings are not included in this as they are a huge job and I cannot take reprint orders on weddings for Christmas Presents. So all you Butler County area seniors get your dates booked, the week of October 19- 28 I will be shooting non-stop or so it seems... Jessi is doing better, still feeling yucky and out of school for the WHOLE week!!! How insane is that? Anyhow, thanks to everyone who sent emails and called. It is such a blessing...


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