Hi Everyone!
...........Well we are smack in the middle of the moving process... one more trip back to Louisville Friday to get things all wrapped up, hopefully. It was so sad on Tuesday, Jessi was so sad and her friends Abby, Ben and Alex came over and gave her a big send off. It is going to be a very interesting period of adjustment but it is a good one. We have wanted to come "home" since... well I guess since I moved to Louisville 5 1/2 years ago. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Louisville and I will miss it terribly but I am still going to do Louisville weddings... I couldn't not do those, so if you have a wedding coming up and you need me, don't hesitate to give me a call at 502-939-9540, that number will be fine for a few more months, maybe longer... I'll definitely post when I have any changes. I am without DSL right now so it is hard to communicate with you all. I am typing this at my Mother-In-Law's computer and it is dial up, it just takes a little longer and I can't work on any photos until I get MY computer up and running which may be next week... Now regarding seniors, the weather has definitely went nuts on us. I looked out the window last night at 6:45 and it was DARK!!!! So my afternoon sessions are going to have to begin at 4 now. If you have a session booked with me for the next few weeks, please give me a call so we can discuss the time change and the weather... If I left Louisville without telling anyone goodbye, I am sorry... If you will email me at info@juliachristopher.com and give me your information, I will definitely keep in touch with you! See ya soon...
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