Saturday, August 02, 2008

Back from the beach...

with a few of images of my niece Kelci... taken early in the morning in Daytona Beach... more coming soon...

It's the simple things that are the sweetest!


Blogger Candi said...

Those pictures are beautiful!! Hope you guys had a wonderful time in Daytona...I miss the beach so bad! We really need to get together soon so you can take some pictures of Miss Lola...maybe this fall when it gets pretty outside like we did last year. Take care.

Monday, August 04, 2008  
Blogger Jenna Smith said...

Has Tracy seen these yet? They are so beautiful!!

I loved the last ones you did of her, too! I went with Tracy when she got the frames made for those huge prints!

Monday, August 04, 2008  
Blogger Julia Christopher Photography said...

Hey Jenna Raye!!! Yeah she has seen these... There are so many good ones of Kelci, isn't she sweet? I am gonna post some more as soon as I get a chance to work on them...I haven't seen the framed ones yet of the hat, I can't wait to see those though!!! Kelci is so good to just let me do whatever I want her to do. She is such a delight to photograph....

Thanks Candi... we did have a great time, I love the beach so much, but glad to be home. I cannot wait to take some new ones of Miss Lola...that one that Laurie took of her on the log is absolutely adorable, I love it!!! She is such a doll!!!!

Monday, August 04, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are awesome! You can almost hear the waves! She is a beautiful little girl.

Monday, August 04, 2008  
Blogger The Belchers said...

AWW my baby Kelci. Isn't she beautiful!! It just doesn't seem like she should be that big.

Monday, August 04, 2008  
Blogger Julia Christopher Photography said...

I know, she is getting so big... If you click on her name and go back to when she still had her umbilical cord it really makes you stop and take it in just how fast time flies... She is a doll. It was so early but she was so great! Kelci is the best... one of my favorite models, right up there with Shannon's baby girl. ;)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008  

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