Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Blu Contest... Jessi took this photo of us tonight It was for a contest to win a new webiste...Obviously we had to hold a sign with our favorite photographer's name and well my sign was Jack. We didn't win but out of 820 entries we did make the top 20 so that is pretty good. Jack is getting so big. He used the potty last night like a big man and then today as a reward we bought him a big boy bed. I will post some photos in the next few days of him in his bed. He is really growing up fast. They aren't babies for long. Speaking of babies, I also want to wish Mandy and Andy, one of my wedding couples, a BIG congratulations on the birth of their twins, a boy and a girl. Take care everyone and stay warm... See ya soon! BTW- it was eyeliner so it washed right off ;)


Blogger Oakstream Photography said...

Wonderful lighting on this....I have to say your SP mini pic is just GORGEOUS! You're beautiful!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007  
Blogger Julia Christopher Photography said...

Thank you... photoshop helps ;)I really appreciate that.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007  

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