Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kelci- the covergirl

Our niece, Kelci... yes that little baby Kelci is a star, well we already knew that being her family and all but she is now featured on the cover of the current issue of Western Kentucky University Alumni magazine "Spirit". This photo was taken under the "Kissing Bridge" there on the campus... very sweet indeed. I am sure that Kelci's Mom, Tracy is very proud to see her baby in print. I photographed a wedding there under the Bridge several years ago, Aimee and Dan. It was extremely romantic. That is still one of my favorite weddings... speaking of WKU My crazy wonderful husband got his Masters Degree in Business Administration back in December from WKU, very proud moment indeed. Oh, and I also noticed Kaitlyn Embry in the magazine receiving the Sam Dunaway Scholarship... big congratulations!


Blogger Jenna Smith said...

Yeah, Kelci is a little star at WKU...you should have posted the back of that magazine, it had the original picture of the couple under the kissing bridge...Gotta love those replica pictures...The little boy is another WKU star--Reed Hensley...he sang the national anthem at a WKU b-ball game just last season!!! That is insane for a three year old!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007  

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