Monday, October 29, 2007

It's that time of year again...

CURRENT CLIENTS VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Well every year, I have to do this. It's time to focus on the Holiday and also to take care of the clients that I have right now. I will not be accepting anymore sessions for 2007. I will be accepting some "last minute" senior sessions in the Spring, in case you didn't get the time to do a full senior session. I have to concentrate on getting all of my sessions caught up through November. If you have already had a session and are in the proofing stage, if you haven't received your proofing, I am getting to you. I work down the list so I am still working on the end of September. Please be patient... I will be contacting you soon. If you are a senior and have made your print choices and ordered those , hang tight... I am getting to them. I have to do them as I get to them on the list as well, I can't move anyone up in front of someone else as that would not be fair. Also your final prints take time as I retouch every one and if you know me, I am very particular with my photos. When you receive an email that your proofing is ready, the sooner that you can get your choices to me, the sooner I can begin working on them. If you wait too long, it will be much longer as I work on the list yes, but I also work on who gets their choices to me first. From the time that you get your choices to me, it is a 4 to 6 week turnaround for your entire collection to be complete and in your hands so it is great if you can get that to me asap. I do not accept ANY orders after December 15 as I take that time to focus on my family and enjoy the Holidays so that means that your order will be accepted after January 1st. If you are a Bride and your wedding is after November 1st, you won't receive your proofs until after the first of 2008, there just isn't time to get them back. I am working hard... I care very much for your images so I try to do the very best that I can. As always I want to Thank EVERYONE who I photographed in 2007, it means so much to me that you let me photograph such important moments in your life... I hope that everyone has a blessed Holiday and I'll occasionally post some photos and random stuff through the end of the year... Sounds so weird to say that! It goes by so fast huh? Anyone started Christmas shopping yet?

God Bless,


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