Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A pet photographer I am not...

that's what Jessi wants to be... but this isn't too bad... I love cats and this one belongs to Olivia... When I am doing a session, if I see a cute kitty or puppy, I always try to take at least one photo. This little guy really wanted to have his photo taken so I indulged him a little. His eyes remind me of my cat Amy's eyes, I love those gold eyes... he also is striped like a Cat I used to call my boyfriend, Skreech... he ran away after I had him neutered... hey it's true and I cried my eyes out. Hope you enjoy! Everyone have a safe Halloween!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ms Julia!!! This is a great photo...doesn't it look like a young thurman? Thank you for photographing my family. I am looking around my house and deciding which photos to take...I AM TAKING THEM ALL!!! I can't wait for the beach session with my family...don't you need a weekend at the beach???? love pam.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007  
Blogger Sheena said...

Well all I know is you took some amazing shots of my lil Presley, so don't count yourself out in the pet department just yet!!! hehe

Wednesday, October 31, 2007  
Blogger Julia Christopher Photography said...

Maybe I should post some of my Pets... Thurman, aww Pam, I love Thurman. He does look like him, just skinnier, ha ha.... and Sheena, Miss Presley couldn't take a bad photo. I love the one that Shelley took where she looks like she is yelling, that is a riot!!!! Presley is a doll-baby!!! We need to try to incorporate her into out Spring session... hmmmmmmmmmmmm? But then again maybe not!! HA HA!!!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007  
Blogger Julia Christopher Photography said...

Pam I need a MONTH at the beach honey!!! I miss you so much!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007  

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