Oldies but goodies...
These were taken last year but I still love them... Autumn was so beautiful last year in La Grange... we miss La Grange so bad!!!!! This one was taken right in the middle of the Historic Downtown, Between Treasured Child and The Irish Rover Too...

I love this one... taken in our backyard. That light was so beautiful.

I love this one... taken in our backyard. That light was so beautiful.

YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE LADY JULIA!!! She is going to be a heartbreaker!!! She has your same striking eyes!!!
Well thank you my darlin' I appreciate that. Can you believe that she thinks that she is fat? She is so goofy....
I think all little girls go through that. I will send her some pics of me from middle school when I was "BIG BONED" or so my momma said. ha ha!! She is beautiful, and tell her that a lil junk in tha trunk just means shes got it going on!! hehe
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