Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
A few more of Brandy and Nick on their wedding day... I posted the one of her looking up a while back, but I added a little bit of a glow to this one and I like this one much better. Those in that little room of Brandy alone were taken just moments before the ceremony. Also I am adding a few from Brandy and Nicks' engagement session shot in Downtown Louisville (Luahvull) ... there were so many but these are just a few of my favorites.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The Blu Contest... Jessi took this photo of us tonight It was for a contest to win a new webiste...Obviously we had to hold a sign with our favorite photographer's name and well my sign was Jack. We didn't win but out of 820 entries we did make the top 20 so that is pretty good. Jack is getting so big. He used the potty last night like a big man and then today as a reward we bought him a big boy bed. I will post some photos in the next few days of him in his bed. He is really growing up fast. They aren't babies for long. Speaking of babies, I also want to wish Mandy and Andy, one of my wedding couples, a BIG congratulations on the birth of their twins, a boy and a girl. Take care everyone and stay warm... See ya soon! BTW- it was eyeliner so it washed right off ;)

Sunday, January 14, 2007
A couple more of Brandy and Nick... I love both of these images, she looks so gorgeous! And Nick looks pretty handsome too. This is one of the best couples that I have ever photographed, I just clicked with them the moment I met them. I have been blessed to meet Brandy and Nick as well as so many other awesome couples and watch them start their lives and have babies and all that wonderful stuff. I have to thank God for giving me the gift that He has given me and leading me every step of the way...

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Goodbye Lily...

Okay don't laugh at me... I loved Yvonne De Carlo. Lily was the best character on the Munsters, I loved that show when I was little... She was so beautiful and I think the role that I loved her in the most was as Sephora ( Moses' Wife) in The Ten Commandments... She died on January 8th, in Los Angeles, she was 84 years old.

Okay don't laugh at me... I loved Yvonne De Carlo. Lily was the best character on the Munsters, I loved that show when I was little... She was so beautiful and I think the role that I loved her in the most was as Sephora ( Moses' Wife) in The Ten Commandments... She died on January 8th, in Los Angeles, she was 84 years old.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
You knew this was coming...
My absolutely favorite wedding from 2006 and my featured wedding when I revamp my website... This wasn't a hard one. I love Amy Lynn, she is like family to me and I am so blessed that she asked Chris and I to be with her and Quentin when they got married last Summer in Destin, Florida. Love you guys!

Monday, January 01, 2007
I found this quote on the web and just love it! I know I put a lot of quotes up but I really like to just kinda chew on something positive each day... We all get discouraged but I truly believe that if we keep our eyes on God and realize that we are special to Him and be encouraged by that we can accomplish anything! Hope this helps someone today!
See ya soon, Jules

See ya soon, Jules